
Updating of the museum Collection subsection "Russian Metal Artworks"

The museum Collection website is ever expanding with new exhibits. Today we present to your attention new items in the subsection "Russian Metal Artworks".

Russian gold and silverware jewelry school was brought to light during the Great Exhibition of the Works of Industry of All Nations in London (sometimes referred to as the Crystal Palace Exhibition) in 1851, whereupon the works of Russian jewelry firms became the mandatory participants and prizewinners of world exhibitions. Beginning from the second half of the 19th century, the landmark of Russian silver artisanship was skillfully realized tableware; crystal and glass pieces in silver setting got everlasting popularity and became fashionable.

The precious silverware was designed and manufactured by the leading jewelry firms, the Russian Imperial Court Suppliers (Carl Faberge, Bolin, the Grachev brothers, Pavel Ovchinnikov, Ivan Khlebnikov, Postnikov, Orest Kurlyukov, Lyubavin), and multiple jeweler workshops of Saint Petersburg, Moscow, Kiev, Odessa, and other cities.

The products of all above-mentioned artisans and workshops are presented in the museum Collection exposition. The collection provides the complete idea of this artisanship development. All exhibits are characterized by original design and brilliant jewelry work.

More exhibits are in the subsection "Russian Metal Artworks".