New thematic tour in the Lapidary Art hall is launched in the museum Collection

Dear friends, in response to a popular demand we are launching a new thematic excursion dedicated to one of the most ancient areas of decorative art - stone cutting. The excursion will feature the large-scale collection of lapidary art items stored in the Museum "Collection", which comprises various genres of stone-cut products: images of the national characters (stone figurines of people with pronounced ethnic cultural differences of a particular nationality); animalier art (stone-cut figurines of animals, birds, fish); floristics (stone-cut items in the form of flowers, fruits, berries, etc.) and ornamental arts (seals, desk-top sets, table clocks, vases, caskets, boxes, etc.).
You will be absorbed by the fascinating world of precious stones and minerals and be acquainted with the history of the oldest stone-cutting schools of the Old and the New World, interesting facts about the life and creative work of the skilled stonecutters - Manfred Wild, Emil Becker, Alfred Zimmermann, Eberhard Bank, Paul Dreher, Louis Alberto Quispe.
The first tour will be held tomorrow, on September 10 at 18:30.
You can enroll for the tour on the website in the section "Contacts".