
For the 190th birth anniversary of Baptiste-Antoine Brémond

“Bells, and hammers, and a cylinder, wheels ...” – Vladimir Odoyevsky so vividly described the principle of operation of the music box in the fairy tale "A Town in the Snuffbox".

Music boxes were very popular in the17th – early 19th centuries: from the primitive musical trinkets to complicated mechanisms. They have always been associated with something ancient, romantic and even magical. It was not only an exquisite musical item, but also an interior item”. Each of these boxes was a masterpiece and served for dozens of years.

Baptiste-Antoine Brémond was one of the leading manufacturers of music boxes. From the young age, Brémond studied jewelry, assisting his father in the family business. Later he became interested in mechanics, ventured into watch making.

When Baptiste-Antoine was 25 years old, he joined the manufacturing company “Théodore Greiner’s firm” as a partner. After a five-year partnership with this firm, in 1863 Bremond established his private workshop. It was rather successful and for nearly fifty years "B.A. Brémond Manufacturer" was one of the most respected firms among Swiss companies, creating mechanical music boxes in the 19th century.

The museum Collection repository enumerates several hundred multifarious boxes with musical movement. The items by Baptiste-Antoine Brémond are among them.

One of those art items is the musical box with pinned cylinder for eight tunes.
Baptiste-Antoine Brémond biography is in the section AUTHORS.