01.02 — 28.02.2015
Historical events and memorials of February
Four outstanding sculptors whose works are presented in the museum Collection have birthdays in February. Pavel (Paolo) Trubetskoy (1866-1938) was sculptor and artist, the illegitimate son of the Russian emigrant, the prince Piotr Petrovich Trubetskoy. In 1897 he headed the Moscow school of painting, sculpture and architecture, taught the art of sculpture. Thanks to the peculiar style of Trubetskoy work, there are appeared the expression in Moscow in the 19th century - to mold "à la Trubetskoy". Some wide-known creations of Trubetskoy are presented in the museum Collection. The page of the author.
Robert Bach (1859-1933) who was born in a family of the St. Petersburg sculptor in February taught in the Highest Art School of the Academy of Arts. He was a professor at the department of a monumental sculpture of the Leningrad Higher Art and Technical Institute. Bach was known as the sculptor-animalist. His image of a bison was several times cast at the plant in Kaslyakh. The image of the well-known bison is presented in several variations in our museum. The page of the author.
Leonid Pozen (1842-1921) was also born in February. He did not have vocational art education, but he had been trying to mold copies of the clay toys since childhood. When he was a teen-ager Pozen created the copies of works by Liberikh, Lanceray and Man, thus perfecting his skill. In 1882 Pozen’s sculptural group of Pozen "On Oxen" gained recognition at the 10th exhibition of the Association of Itinerants’ Art Exhibitions. The owner of Werfel art casting factory bought the sculptural group for casting it in bronze. This sculptural composition is presented in our collection. The page of the author.
Nikolay Liberikh (1828-1883) was born in February and did not have art education as well. Only when he retired from military service, Liberikh was enrolled to Academy of Arts. Baron P. K. Clodt became his mentor there. Liberikh works have won great popularity in the 19th century as the gifts to high-ranking persons. One of the most famous sculpture groups of Liberikh "Fight of two hunters against a bear" is presented in museum Collection. The page of the author