Operetta artist Mitrofan Dneprov - under the heading "Desuete names"
Today we are recollecting the operetta artist, baritone Mitrofan Dneprov, who was born on June 13, 1881.
For the birthday of M. Dneprov, we compiled a musical selection. It features Adam's Song" from the operetta “The Bird Seller” (Vogelhändler) and Martin's song from the operetta “Martin the Miner” (Der Obersteiger), performed by Mitrofan Dneprov. Both operettas are the masterpieces by the Austrian composer Carl Zeller. His operettas are notable for their captivating melodies, fascination of waltz rhythms, and soft, ingenuous lyricism. They are based on songs and verses. Сharming waltz of Adam from “The Bird Seller”, which is sometimes called "My beloved old grandfather", was written by the composer for tenor or baritone, part of Martin was written for baritone. It is believed that the voice of Mitrofan Dneprov - "the sunny baritone" - lyrical, but courageous at the same time was ideal for both parties.
The fate of Mitrofan Dneprov was extraordinary. Although at that time people from different society strata performed at the stage: they were actors and singers from officials, from cavalry officers, from landowners-nobles, hence a most singular phenomenon was to come on the stage from a monastery novitiates, moreover, to the stage of the operetta theater… (L. Nikulin).
since 1897 - performances in the St. Petersburg Court Chapel;
1900-1906 - training at the opera courses under O.O. Bestrikh, participation in student performances;
1907 - touring as part of the St. Petersburg Opera association under the direction of. M.F. Zhigaleva;
1907 - debut as Marquis de Corneville (Bells of Corneville by R. Plunket) with Tony's operetta troupe;
1921-1923 - tours in France, Poland, Germany;
1927-1932 - performances at the "New Theater of Operetta";
1933-1939 - touring in the cities of the USSR;
1939-1951 - artist of the Moscow Operetta Theater;
1946-1947 - work in Pyatigorsk (staging operettas: "Wedding in Malinovka", "Sylva" and "Bayadère").