
All museum Collection stuff members congratulate the Muscovites and guests of the capital on the City Day

In 2020, Moscow celebrates its 873rd birthday. The traditional celebration of the City Day will take place on the first weekend of autumn, on September 5-6. The theme of the holiday this year is "The Museum Moscow". On holidays, a huge number of interesting events usually take place in the metropolis. This year, the pandemia will make its adjustments - the City Day will be held without mass festivities on Tverskaya Street and large concerts, the events will be held mainly in the parks, district venues and cultural centers.

On the eve of the 873rd birth of the capital, the museum Collection prepared a thematic photo album: “The images of Moscow in the works of Russian silversmiths”.

Russian gold and silverware school stamped itself at The Great Exhibition of the Works of Industry of All Nations in London in 1851, whereupon works of the Russian silverware workshops became the mandatory participants and prizewinners of World Exhibitions. Beginning from the second half of the 19th century, the landmark of the Russian silver artisanship were skillfully processed tableware and household items.

The precious silverware was designed and manufactured by the leading firms, the Russian Imperial Court suppliers (Carl Faberge, Carl-Eduard Bolin, the Grachev brothers, Pavel Ovchinnikov, Ivan Khlebnikov, Andrey Postnikov, Orest Kurlyukov, Alexander Lyubavin), and multiple workmen's cooperative associations of Saint-Petersburg, Moscow, Kiev, Odessa, and other cities.

The production of nearly all above-mentioned artisans and workshops are presented in the museum Collection exposition. The collection section “Russian Metal Artworks” gives full idea of the scale and level of development of this type of artisanship. All exhibits are characterized by peculiar design and ingenious work.