
World Dolphin Day is celebrated every year on 23 July

Ever since the days of ancient Greece, people have had a great interest in dolphins, as they were considered very intelligent creatures. There are many myths and legends about dolphins.
Dolphin is an animal that lives in two environments -- the sea and the air. It is the liaison between the earthly and the heavenly, the king of fish, the savior of shipwrecked people and the escort of souls to the netherworld. Myths of many nations narrate about the dolphin as a divine creature, with the gift of prophecy, capable of leaping out of the water and reaching the sky in one leap to take its place among the constellations ... Dolphin is an allegory of salvation, inspired by ancient legends that portray it as a friend of man. It symbolizes the sea, marine power, safety and speed, freedom, nobility, love, feast.
According to feng shui practice, dolphin is considered a symbol of a help-mate and protector. Handsome, good-natured, strong and intelligent dolphins protect us from the evil eye and bring harmony to our habitation. Feng Shui says that it is enough to have dolphin figurines or images in the house to influence different aspects of life: love, friendship, family relationships. Statuettes can be made of different materials: wood, stone, metal or various alloys.

Thematic album with the photos of items from the collection section “Decorative Arts and Jewellery” featuring dolphins is posted in our Photo Gallery.

The image of dolphin is presented on the coats of arms of some countries. For example, the official coat of arms of Anguilla, approved in 1980, consists of the images of three dolphins jumping on the sea. The three dolphins are coloured orange and symbolize endurance, unity and strength, and are depicted in a closed, continuous circle.

A well-known historical example of the use of a dolphin image in heraldry was the coat of arms of the Dauphine, a former province in Southeastern France, from which came the coat of arms and the title of the Dauphin of France, heir to the French throne (the title literally means "Dolphin of France").
"Dolphin" is the surname of an aristocratic family in the Republic of Venice, whose most prominent representative was the 57th Doge of Venice, Giovanni Dolfin (1303-1361).

Interesting facts about dolphins

  • Dolphins are social animals with well-developed intelligence.

  • Dolphin brain is larger than a human is and has twice as many gyrations. In addition, dolphins can use both hemispheres alternately. For example, when the dolphin's left or right eye is closed, it means that the left or right hemisphere of the brain is asleep and the second hemisphere is active at this moment.

  • Dolphins has poor eyesight. Hence, they possess a unique hearing (echolocation), with its help, dolphins navigate the space perfectly.

  • To search for food bottle-nosed dolphins living near the coast of Australia, use sea sponge. They do it in the following way: put the sponge on the sharp part of the muzzle and scout the bottom with it. They use this to prevent injury from striking small reefs or rocks lying on the seabed.

  • The maximum speed at which a dolphin can swim, reaches 50 km/hour. Not all dolphins can swim at such a speed, but only white-sided dolphins.

  • Regeneration of the dolphins’ skin is 8 times faster than of humans. Moreover, it is not aggravated by infections, even if the water is teeming with bacteria. For example, a wound the size of a football on a dolphin skin heals in just a few weeks.

  • Dolphins breathe with their lungs, just like humans, but instead of a nose, the organ that captures the air is a spiracle. After capturing air, the dolphin plunges into the water, holding its breath for 10-15 minutes.

  • Dolphin lungs recycle up to 80% of air, while human lungs can recycle only 17%.

  • Painful sensations in dolphins are blunted, because their organism produces a natural analgesic similar in its effect to morphine.

  • Dolphins have taste receptors that help them distinguish tastes: sweet, sour, bitter and salty.

  • Dolphins are able to communicate with sounds. Their "vocabulary" of about 14000 different sound signals.

  • Each dolphin has a name, which he receives at birth. Scientists that recorded the sound signal at birth of the baby, indicating the name, have proved this fact. Subsequently, the same dolphin would swim to this sound.

  • Different species of dolphin eat different types of fish.

  • The research have proved that dolphins recognize themselves in the mirror. This experiment confirms that they have self-awareness.

  • Dolphins tame down well. If released into the wild after such training, the dolphin is sure to return.

  • The government of India has recently ruled out dolphins as animals and designated them as "non-human individuals". Thus, India has become the first country to recognize the presence of intelligence and self-awareness in dolphins.