Decorative Arts and Jewellery

Decorative Arts and Jewellery

Applied and decorative arts (from Latin "deco" – "I decorate") cover various branches of creative work that have one thing in common: they all unite objects of art intended for people’s domestic needs. Since the second half of the 19th century, the classification of ADA branches in terms of material (metal, ceramics, textile, wood, etc.) and technology (carving, painting, embroidery, printing, casting, chiseling, intarsia, etc.) was established.



Applied and Decorative Arts section of the Museum Collection comprises seemingly diversified objects: art glass, ceramics, gold and silverware, art bronze, decorative objects made of ornamental stone, utensils, tableware, and interior plastic arts. This variety is stated in the very term that brings together two vast sections of art – applied and decorative one.

Applied and decorative artworks are closely connected with the evolution and development of the humankind. Advancement of industrial production, mass uprising of jewellers’ workshops, manufactures and glass houses, establishment of mining and bronze-casting enterprises at the turn of the 18th century were closely related with art. Vice versa, the world of art always affected the industry, acting as a certain development catalyst, making it continuously look for new forms and technologies of processing materials.


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