Ancient maps in the museum "Collection" repository
New publication within the framework of our special joint project with "Выберу.ру” is explaining how geographic maps and banks are connected.
The times of the territories development, new lands discovery, new states’ boundaries delimitation are the most important points in the history of cartography. Bankers have always taken part in almost all major geographical discoveries and expeditions.
The borders are still closed, we do not have the possibility to travel, hence we can to read fascinating stories about bankers that financed expeditions and assisted the mapping coverage and promoted publishing new geographic maps.
We invite you to examine ancient maps of the 17th-18th centuries in the collection section "Prints". The biographies of compilers and publishers of the first maps - Martin Waldseemüller (1470-1520), Johann Christoph Weigel (1654-1725), Joachim Ottens (1663-1719), Johann Baptiste Homann (1664-1724), Alexander Mikhailovich Wilbrecht (1757-1823) and Conrad Malte-Brun (1775-1826) are in the section "Authors". You can be acquainted with the history of Russian cartography in the section "Reviews" – the article "History of the Russian cartography: the key points”.