
Open charity initiative #HELP IS here! (#ПомощьЕСТЬ!)

A new project aimed at supporting and providing food for migrant workers from the CIS countries that were harmstrung by the coronavirus epidemic kicked off.

Russian philanthropists David Iakobachvili and Yan Yanovskiy initiated the project. They organize, implement and finance it. The partners are Novikov School and the Representative Office of the Ministry of Labor of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the Russian Federation.

As part of the initiative #HELP IS here! daily food delivery is organized to several city meal stations where the families of migrants from the CIS countries, who lost their jobs, are located.

“The situation is very complicated now. Many people, especially migrant workers lost their jobs, are left without housing ...sometimes they have nothing to eat, nowhere to live. - comments David Iakobachvili. - What will happen to these people if they do not receive help, are not supported? This is a direct way to street criminality, it is dangerous for society, and we are talking about a large number of people. It is necessary to help them".

“The basic core value of any society is inclusivity. If a person does not have citizenship of the Russian Federation citizenship, or a residence permit, this does not mean that he is not part of our society and we should not take care of him”. - notes Yan Yanovskiy. “Everyone who has similar values can join the project #HELP IS here! Since in today's situation, the scale of the problems requires our joint efforts”.

First deliveries as part of the initiative #HELP IS here! will begin on May 5, 2020.

According to the decision of the organizers, these will be full hot lunches. The project initiators plan to start with 250 lunches per day, in a short time increasing the number up to 500 servings. Particular attention is paid to the calorie and nutritional value of a set-lunch.

NovikovSchool, the gastronomic educational center is responsible for cooking meals. The Representative Office of the Ministry of Labor of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the Russian Federation carries out information accumulation and communication with those who need assistance.

The project is implemented with the support of the RUSSIAN NEWS AGENCY.

Follow the project in social networks and join us. Together we can do more.

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pomoshest/?hl=ru

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100050735627403