
April 24 is the International Sculpture Day

The International Sculptures day is celebrated annually. It was established by the International Sculpture Center in 2015.

Its aim is to popularize sculpture as an art and help people learn as much as possible about famous sculptural masterpieces.

The collection of sculptures stored in the Museum is the result of a continuous work on searching, attributing and description of the works of Russian sculptors who lived in the second half of the 19th - first quarter of the 20th centuries.

The emphasis of the collection is made on small statuary, and monographic works of famous sculptors present its core. This is a real constellation of names – Eugene Lanceray, Peter Clodtt, Nikolay Lieberich, Vasiliy Grachov, Leonid Pozen, Alexander Opekushin, and Mark Antokolsky.

The most common plots - are military and hunting scenes and archetypes, ethnographic motifs, scenes of peasants’ life, as well as the romanticized scenes from the life of the Caucasian folk characters.

The collection features the sculptors’ creative work and identifies the singularity and individual character of their works.

Interesting facts about the sculptors’ life and creative work are in the section "AUTHORS".