March 15, 2019 is the 205th jubilee since the birth of Blaise Bontems - the Parisian master of making singing birds
Blaise Bontems was a noted Parisian specialist in the manufacturing singing birds and the first of a dynasty, which included his son Charles Jules and his grandson Lucien.
The firm grew rapidly, taking part in great success national and international exhibitions and for a long time remained the only producer of singing birds and the supplier of her Royal Highness the Queen of England. 90% of Bontemps production was exported by1860.
Bontems' products were distinguished by the elegance, naturalness of the birds singing and movement, the simplicity and reliability of the mechanism.
25 items produced by Blaise Bontems are stored in the museum collection.
To commemorate the master’s birth anniversary we prepared a thematic photo album and a video clip about one of the items from the museum collection: Singing bird cage with two birds on blossoming branch (1870).
Biography of Blaise Bontems is in the section AUTHORS.