Musical selection of compositions recorded on paper music rolls for the Orchestrion “Konzërt-Phonolist”, producer Hupfeld, Ludwig, A.G.
We present the selection of musical compositions recorded on paper music rolls for the Orchestrion “Konzërt-Phonolist” (Phonoliszt-Violina Model B) created by Hupfeld, Ludwig, A.G. The orchestrion combines piano and violin mechanisms. This unique instrument provides the possibility to reproduce a wide range of diverse musical pieces, in which strings to a piano accompaniment play the melody line.
The recordings of the compositions of the Viennese classical school prominent composers, the romantic era opera composers and the authors who created popular music in the first half of the 20th century comprised the repertoire of “Orchestrion “Konzërt-Phonolist”. The versatile material demonstrates wide possibilities of the orchestrion - both entertaining and concert, allowing the listener to enjoy the musical masterpieces.
The diverse repertoire covers various milestones of musical history. The possibility to demonstrate the dynamic marks and musical phrase marking richness, the sophisticated melody and sounding uniqueness - all these advantages make the Orchestrion created by Hupfeld, Ludwig, A.G. an exceptional musical instrument worthy of the highest ratings of listeners.
A detailed review of the Orchestrion “Konzërt-Phonolist”musical repertoire is in the section ARTICLES AND REVIEWS.