01.03 — 31.03.2015

Historical events and memorials of March

In March we are celebrating birthdays of famous sculptors - Artemy Auber and Serafim Sudbinin in March. Their works are exhibited in the museum "Collection". 172 years had passed since the birth of the sculptor-animalist Artemy Lavrentievich Auber (1843 — 1917). Auber's parents were involved in artistic circles and did not want their son to become a painter. Artemy Auber entered Moscow university, but craving to art was very strong and in 1833 Auber presented his work "The lion killing a snake" at the exhibition in Paris, for which critics called Auber "animal-painter". Since then the artists creating the images of animals were called animal painters. The most well-known realistic images of animals by Auber are presented in the museum Collection.

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Unlike Auber, Serafim Sudbinin (1867-1944) selected the art path from his youth, at first he was an actor, and then the great sculptor and the artist. In 1906, he studied and practiced in the workshop of the great French sculptor August Rodin. Moreover, since the end of the twenties of the XXth century, having gained popularity in France and the USA, he became one of the leading masters of the Art Deco. Several works of Sudbinin are presented in the museum Collection. For example, his well-known work "Faun" and "Satyr and the Bacchante".

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