
Chamber barrel organ

    Chamber barrel organ


    Circa 1830

    Nicolas Poirot

    Wood, steel, leather, lead-tin alloy; casting, woodwork, lathing, polishing

    60 x 39.5 x 90.3 cm

    On the barrel flat end: ”n 12”; on the label on the barrel: ”NICOLAS POIROT Facteur d’Orges et de Serinettes à Mirecourt, department des Vosges. On the blank - general title and titles of the sections: ”NOMS DES AIR CONTENUS AU PRÉSENT INSTRUMENT”, “N.o I. VIS A CRANS.”, “N.o II. VIS A CRANS.”, “N.o III.VIS SANS FIN”. Handwritten list of works in French with grammar mistakes. Inthe third column: “1 Ouverture D’alexis ou L’erreur dun Bon Pere”, “2 Gusment ne Connoit plus d’obstacle air du pied de mouton.”, “19 toucher No 12.”


    Chamber barrel organ in rectangular polished case made of walnut wood on low feet, with projecting hinged top lid. Frame with a flat panel and half-columns on the sides forms the facade. Columns' bases and capitals are metal, decorated with relief circular ornament. Keyhole, decorated with cast onlay made of yellow metal is on the top panel. Curved metal handle of driving mechanism is near the right half column. The side panels are comprised of horizontal slats. Three wooden register sliders with chiseled handles and a spring-loaded door with a wire latch are on the case left side. Pinned barrel on the carriage that is sliding along the guideways is behind the door. The unique mechanism that raises and lowers the keyframe with nineteen keys is on the right hand side. It is connected with the pinned barrel stop mechanism. With the keyframe raised, the barrel can be moved along the axis and set to one of ten fixed positions according to the selected melody. The barrel is activated by wooden worm gear.  Fifty-five flue pipes.
    Paper sticker with the name and address of the organ builder in the vignette is on the barrel.
    Blank with the lists of melodies in three columns is on the lid inner side.

