Player Pianos

Player piano "Orchestrion"

Player piano "Orchestrion"

Germany, Waldkirch


Gebrüder Weber, H. Förster & Co., Waldkircher Orchestrionfabrik Gebruder Weber

Wood (oak), brass, glass, plastic, leather, mirror, beads; carving, turning, intarsia, varnishing, carpentry and mechanical work

165 x 94 x 160 cm, 500 kg

Inscription on the brass plate: "C. MARLOT”, “179 BD MRICE LENONNIER (BRUX.)”; on the sticker: “Die Noten sing trocken aufzubewahren und vor jedes / maligem Gebrauchfest in sich aufzu wickeln” / Weber-Unica / No…….Meter”, “Waldkircher Orchestrion-Fabrik Cebr. Weber, Waldkirch I. Brsg”. On the bellows support: stamps “ZOLL ABFERTIGUNG AUSSTELLE A.B.FREIBERG”, “ZOLL / I 11”. On the resister: “WECHSELSTROM / TYPE W2 No 16522 / VOLT 220 P,S 1/6”, “Schnell”, “Langsam”. On the piano supporting frame: medallion with the image of a hunter and inscription: “FORSTER”, “LEIPZIG”


Orchestrion in light brown oak wooden case in the form of classical piano. The keyboard on the support is forced by high side consoles with balusters and carved cones, two pedals are at the bottom. The locked lid with music stand covers the keyboard with eighty-five keys. The front panel above the keyboard is divided by profiles into several sections of different sizes with veneered panels. Wall lamps on figured brackets with shades of white and yellow glass beads are the on the front panel side sections. The seller’s plate is fixed on the frieze with carved wavy strap: “C. MARLOT / 179 BD MRICE LENONNIER (BRUX.)”.

Two hinged doors with lock and three mirrors with facets are in the central section upper par. Roll drive mechanism with brass line, rubberized, ribbed and wooden receiving rollers under silver color cast plate with floral ornament and monogram "GW" are installed inside it.

The case upper panel is made as a frame, wrapped with a cloth; volume adjustment channel is placed under it. Bellows and air duct pipes are located under the keyboard behind the removable panel with two handles and latches. The prints of customs duties stamps are on the frame. The musical mechanism of the orchestrion includes a piano and twenty-eight violin pipes, located on both sides of the pneumatic system behind the front panel. Electric drive. The set includes 28 paper music rolls. Music media: paper music roll

