The project ”Bringing Back the Desuete Russian Artisans’ Names”. Three years of exploring
On the first of December 2024, we are marking three years since the launch of the project by David Iakobachvili ”Bringing Back the Desuete Russian Artisans’ Names”. Presentation of the Сatalogue "Fyodor Lorie Firm and Jeweler Egor Cheryatov" and thematic exhibition ‘Fyodor Lorie and Yegor Cheryatov. Restitution' were held within the framework of this project.
The museum Video Archive features a recording of the press conference in the TASS News Agency dedicated to the launch of the project ‘Bringing Back the Desuete Russian Artisans’ Names’ and the organizing the thematic exhibition on creative work of Fyodor Lorie and jeweller Egor Cheryatov. A video clip of the exhibition opening is in the museum Video Archive.
The online version of the Catalogue is available on the museum website. Moreover, the online version presents a more complete edition of the book, which includes items that have been added to the collection while the edition was in print.
The Catalogue features singular items that David Iakobachvili, the founder of the museum Collection, has been collecting for several years – in fact, we can talk about the restitution of items that belong to unique cultural heritage. In the turbulent post-revolutionary years, they were taken out of the country; the activities of a number of jewellery firms and workshops ceased. The colossal community of artisans, technologies, equipment, and, the key thing, the range of art items were also lost.
Nowadays, there are not many items created by Fyodor Lorie and Yegor Cheryatov even in the collections of the major state museums. It is all the more valuable that now these exhibits can be examined in detail and systematically studied in our catalogue.
The work within the framework of the project ”Bringing Back the Desuete Russian Artisans’ Names” continues. A catalogue of works by Mihaly Zichy (1827-1906), a Hungarian artist that worked in Russia at the Imperial Court, is currently is being prepared for publication.