
Video clip "Vases and flacons" for the birthday of Rene Lalique

Today we are recollecting Rene Lalique - painter, artisan, inventor, jeweler and glassmaker. He invented and patented 16 technologies, produced the incredible number of items that are considered masterpieces, introduced new unconventional materials and plots in jewelry business. A number of his images in the Art Nouveau style were picked up in illustrations, textiles and interior decor. Free in actions and fantasies, he did not fit himself to the opinion of society, but transfigured the perception, taste and abutments according to his creations.

Our new video clip is dedicated to vases and flacons manufactured by the legendary master that created dynamic works of novel shapes and who sought to convey the elegance of a female body contours and the harmony of living nature in his creations.

The "Audio Stories" section features the story "Flora, Fauna & Femme Fatale", dedicated to creative life and work of Rene Lalique.

More items by the French jeweler and glassmaker are presented in the collection section "Western European Glass Art".

The thematic photo album "Bringing Luck Mascots of René Lalique" is posted in our Photo Gallery.

Biography of Rene Lalique, the prominent representative of the Art Nouveau style is in the section "Authors".