Announcement: lecture "Secrets of Stones"
On Thursday, our traditional lecture day, the lecture "Secrets of Stones" will be held in the museum “Collection”. The lecture is based on the themed tour in the Lapidary Art Hall - one of the most sought-after excursions among the museum guests.
From our lecture, you will learn the details of life and creative work of the prominent stonecutters, whose works are presented in the museum Collection section "Lapidary Works of Art", will be acquainted with a variety of ornamental stones and minerals, their properties and methods of evaluation. Gems and minerals are rare and amazing formations of inanimate nature. Since ancient times, they have caught the attention of people. We invite you to be acquainted with one of the exposition sections – “Lapidary works of art”. As part of the lecture, we will open the veil of secrets generated in the bowels of the earth. What are the stones "talking about"? Which ones are the most valuable and why? What criteria should be followed while choosing jewelry with precious stones for yourself or as a gift? How does the legendary jeweler Carl Faberge continue to remain alive and creative utilizing the the skills and hands of German artisans? Which of the Russian artisans were suppliers of mosaic animalistic figurines for the famous Cartier jewelry house? Where stonecutters find work material and inspiration nowadays? You will find the answers to those and many other questions in the lecture "Secrets of Stones" on March 25, 2021 at 18:00.
You can enroll for the lecture on the museum website in the section "Contacts".
Considering that this lecture is one of the most popular among the museum visitors and not everyone will be able to sign up for the lecture, we suggest watching the recorded lecture “Secrets of Stones” that is posted in the section “Lecture Coarse” during the quarantine period (video).