
World Frogs Day (Save the Frogs Day) is marked today

Since 2009, World Frog Day has been celebrated annually on March 20.

There is no exact mention of the person or organization that initiated it. The tradition was created to save this species of amphibians from extinction. The origin of ancient tailless Amphibians dates back to millions of years BC. People eat frogs, keep them as pets, in addition, frogs are used for biological researches. The development of certain science areas will be hindered without frogs, feed supply chain will change, water will be dangerously infected, and the number of harmful insects will increase uncontrollably.

In ancient Egypt, these amphibians were considered a symbol of resurrection and eternal life. Frogs were usually mummified with the deceased persons and buried with them in sepulcher, in order to help in their resurrection. This is probably due to the ability of a frog to sink in anabiosis during the period of frigid weather and come back to life in spring. A frog was a symbol of the ancient Egyptian goddess Herit that assisted Isis to resurrect Osiris with the help of life-giving water. A frog is considered a chthonic animal and is endowed with abiogenesis capability. It is associated with the idea of creation and resurrection due to its cyclic way of life.

Frogs are the symbol of good luck and prosperity in tradition-bound Japan; it is believed in China that they contribute to the tangible wealth. In China, a frog impersonates Yin, the lunar inception, immortality, wealth and longevity. Many people around the world have a souvenir frog sitting with coin in its mouth on their tables at home or in the office.

The frog is mentioned in the Rigveda – Old Indian sutra. A hymn to a frog is dedicated to its glorification. In Slavic paganism, the frog is associated primarily with fertility and raining. It is the guardian of the rivers, lakes, wells and the mistress of water. The idea of fertility also explains its conjunction with childbirth. In some regions, a frog is attributed with the role of dwelling protector; it was often used in folk medicine, fortune telling and witchcraft.

Frogs and toads are popular characters in fairy tales and cartoons. It is worth recalling the Frog Princess, the frog-the traveler, Thumbelina, cartoon about the froglet and its friends, the Internet meme “a crying frog”. Its name is Pepe. It was created in 2005 and since 2009, it has become grievous. In 2018, the video of a dancing frog launched the unusual flash mob around the world.

In case one consider all legends, popular beliefs about toads and frogs, it will be evident that can be conveniently classified into five groups. The first group is treating toads as witchcraft tools. The second one unites frogs - turnskins of a handsome Prince or charming Princess. The third features the legendary frogs and toads fighting snakes. The fourth group includes stories about toads and frogs being noble creatures. In gratitude for some services, they showed the way, carry over a river, give practical advice, and assist a maiden. And the last, the fifth group includes legends about toads as winter zoomorphoses.

In the Museum Collection exposition and repository, the images of frogs and toads are presented by mesmerizing realistic lapidary works.