01.05 — 31.05.2015
Historical events and memorials of May
Three outstanding artists have birthdays in May. Peter Karl Fabergé (05.30.1846 – 09.24.1920) would have turned 169 years in May. His work are still in huge demand. Karl Fabergé was the successor of his father’s business, who owned a small jewellery factory. Karl began from producing the copies of items from the Hermitage collection and by the age of 24, he headed his father’s company. Karl Fabergé developed the jewellery production, expanded the product line, organized gold and silver manufactures, agreed with the owners of the exterior firms that they would work using his drawings and patterns. Those firms were the workshops owned by Holmstrem and Tillman, Perchin, Rhymer, Collin, Rappoport, Arne, Vakev and others. As a result of successful management, Fabergé’s firm turned into one of the leading jewellery enterprises of the XIXth century in Russia, it was granted a title of the supplier Russian, Great Britain, Sweden and Siam Imperial Courts. Karl Fabergé brought to fashion the tradition to present high-ranking persons with jewellery Easter eggs.
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The magnificent sculptor Ilya Guinzbourg was born in May (05.27.1859-01.31.1939). Guinzbourg studied under sculptor Antokolsky who had seen the works of future master and had highly appreciated them. When he was 27 years old Guinzbourg was awarded with a big gold medal and was ranked as the 1st degree artist for low relief "Crying of the Prophet Jeremiah on the ruins of Jerusalem", in 1911 he received the academician's rank, since 1912 became the full member the Architects and Artists Society. After the October revolution Ilya Guinzbourg participated in the monumental propaganda realization, created monuments to Plekhanov and Mendeleyev and the sculptural groups "February, 1917", "May Celebrations", "In October Days".
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The great sculptor Theodore-Joseph Napoleon Jacques (1804 - 1876) was also born in May. He was born in Paris, but he had been working for more than 25 years in St. Petersburg. Napoleon Jacques became famous as the first foreign sculptor creating the images of common people and genre sketches in a format of small statuary. Widely- recognized sculptors Nikolay Liberikh, Evgeni Lanceray and Vasiliy Grachev are considered Jacques’s followers. The most well known work of Napoleon Jacque is the monument to Peter I, which was cast by Piotr Clodt. The monument was erected in Kronstadt in 1842.
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