Items with musical mechanism and automaton

Musical fob seal with automaton

    Musical fob seal with automaton


    Circa 1825

    Gold, steel, brass, decorative stones; mechanical work, chasing, soldering, gilding

    4.3 x 2.8 x 2.2 cm


    Golden fob is in the form of oval case contains miniature musical movement with automaton; a grip in the form of volumetric hollow ring is soldered on its top. The case convex upper side is smooth and polished. Side surface is formed by alternating smooth and corrugated strips. The hinged polished lid closes the bottom side, automaton is mounted behind it. The grip is a hollow ring soldered from two halves, decorated with floral pattern made in the technique of colored champlevé enamel on smooth field.
    The external surface is smooth and polished. A rod with crank at the end passes through the grip and serves to wind the musical movement and automaton. The crank is in the form of short tube with two torques cabochons in bezel setting, wrapped in three loops of polished spiral. Bushing decorated with four thin gilded settings with green gems stones and two rosettes with colourless stones is slipped on the rod inside the ring. Miniature musical movement with spring engine is comprised of pinned cylinder and sound comb. The lever on the case side surface activates the movement.

