Items with musical mechanism and automaton

Singing bird box

    Singing bird box


    Сirca 1930

    Ivory, mother of pearl, ebony, brass, steel, feathers; parfling, polishing, lathing

    11 x 5 x 6 cm, 363 gr


    Singing bird box in rectangular ivory case on ornately shaped pedestal. Top and side panels are decorated with black wood onlays and mother-of-pearl inserts. Oval aperture covered with brass hinged lid with ivory onlay featuring two birds  that are sitting on blossoming branches is in the center of the top panel. The lid is smooth inside. The sliding switch for activating the bird's movement is on the right lateral panel. An aperture with the pin for winding the movement of the bird and two screws are on the bottom panel. When the movement is activated, the lid opens; a miniature bird in painted feathers of brown, green and yellow colours appears. It turns in place, flaps its wings, moves the tail, opens and closes the beak. The sound movement imitates bird’s chirping. When the program comes to the end, the bird retreats into the groove in the openwork gilded lattice and the lid is closed.

