Music snuff box with miniature portrait of a girl
Music snuff box with miniature portrait of a girl
circa 1850
Tortoise shell, mother of pearl, steel, brass, horn; carving, polishing, watercolours, gouache
9.5 х 6.0 х 3.4 сm
On the lid inner side: "А 271 - 271"
Music rectangular snuffbox in tortoise shell case with a hinged lid and a button. An oval ivory medallion in a polished frame with a miniature portrait of a girl in a dress with a corrugated collar and cap is on the lid surface. Two buttons from the mother-of-pearl for switching on/off the music movement and the changing the tunes are on the front pane. Carved ornament and an aperture for the spring winding is on the bottom surface. The music movement for two Scottish melodies, with a spring motor, program roller and a steel sound comb, is covered with a translucent horn plate of yellowish colour. A key with an oval grip and a square cross-section rod.