
Road map of the Caucasian territory

    Road map of the Caucasian territory

    Russia, Tbilisi


    Paper; сhromolithography

    159 х 134 cm


    The map with a vertical format on the fabric consisting of twenty four parts made in chromolithography technique and showing the state and administrative-territorial borders of the Caucasian land in 1883 with adjacent territories of neighbouring Turkey and Persia. Topographic features of the territory are indicated, the governorate and regional cities, Cossack villages, rural communities, monasteries, fortresses, factories, telegraphs, roads (railroads, post roads, wheel roads and high roads) are indicated in detail.

    On the top right in the arty decorated cartouche under the Imperial crown there is inscription in Russian: "ДОРОЖНАЯ КАРТА КАВКАЗСКАГО КРАЯ составлена и литографирована въ ВОЕННО-ТОПОГРАФИЧЕСКОМЪ ОТДЕЛЕ КАВКАЗСКАГО ВОЕННАГО ОКРУГА 1870 ГОДА Тифлисъ. Исправлена по 1-ое iюля 1883" ("ROAD MAP OF THE CAUCASIAN TERRITORY compiled and lithographed in MILITARY TOPOGRAPHIC DEPARTMENT OF THE CAUCASIAN MILITARY DISTRICT, 1870, Tiflis. Amended for the 1st of July, 1883").

      “The Explanation” of the map symbols is under the cartouche.

    On the left at the bottom there is explication with administrative territorial division of the Caucasian territory, ethnic composition of the population, meteorological data for some territories and distances along the roads among the cities of the territory.

    Scale – 20 versts per English inch.
    The subscriptions and inscriptions are in Russian.


    The Caucasus Military District was founded in 1865. After a number of changes in 1866, 1868, 1878, 1881, 1883, 1898 and 1899, by the year of 1914 the district consisted of twelve administrative units – seven governorates (Stavropol, Tiflis, Kutaisi, Elisabethpol, Baku, Erevan, the Black Sea one) and five regions (Kuban, Terek, Dagestan, Kars, Batumi).
