
Fairgroud organ

Fairgroud organ


Circa 1920

Gebrüder Wellershaus

Wood, metal, leather, papier-mache; carving, painting, casting

275 х 120 х 236 cm, 580 kg

Inscription on facade: “Orgelfabrek Gebr. Wellershaus-Mülh.-Saarn”


Organ case is made of wood and richly decorated with paintings and onlay carving with floral patterns in the form of acanthus leaves, scrolls and rocaille elements. The facade is painted in cream and pink colors; complemented by flowers and leaves compositions over orange color background. Rectangular window is in the façade bottom part. Metallophone with sixteen plates and hammers is inside it. Decorative ornately shaped window opening view to a set of forty-six wooden pipes is inside. Small ledge is between the musical movements. A figure of young man with baton and scroll is fixed on it. Façade top part is decorated with ribbons, on which the words on orange color background are written “Orgelfabrek Gebr. Wellershaus-Mülh.-Saarn".

The lateral side is conventionally divided into three sections. Bottom sections are circular with the sky and clouds as background. Small ledges are in the center – Putto are sitting on them. One plays the drum, the other - the tambourine. The figured top crowns the organ; the face of a dark-skinned man with his tongue sticking out is in the center. The man is surrounded with floral ornament on blue background; monogram with the initials "AH" on blue background is beneath it. While the musical peice is performed, Putti hits the drum and tambourine and the young man conducts. Electric motor, which serves to inject air in the bellows, is on the organ rear side. Music media: paper music roll.

