
Chamber barrel organ

Chamber barrel organ

Germany, Waldkirch


Ignaz Bruder Söhne - organ, A. Ruth & Sohn - pinned barrel

Wood, metal, brass, steel, leather, fabric, paper; casting, carpentry, lathing, marquetry, painting, carving

126 х 72 х 160 cm, 210 kg

On red oval stamp squeese on the bass pipe inside the organ and in the left frame on the lid inner side: “IGNAZ BRUDER SÖHNE”, “Orgelfabrik”, “WALDKIRCH, Grosserzogth, Baden”, “FABRICATION”, “von tragbaren Pfeifen-, Flöten-u. Trompeten Orgeln”, “ Orgeln mit beweglichen Figuren”, “DREH-HARMONIUM”, “(Mélotons u. Melodiums)”, “grossen Orgel-Werken”, “für”, “arouselle, Panorama, Tanzsäle u. Salons.”; in the right frame: “A. Ruth & Sohn, Orgelfabrik, Waldkirch”. Numbered list of tunes in German: “1. Wiener Extrablätter Walzer.”, “2. Durch die Lüfte Galopp.”, “3. Der kleine Gunadier Marsch.”, “4. Singvögelchen Mazurka.”, “5. Küss mich noch mal Walzer.”, “6. Ich bin der kleine Postilion.”, “7. Kerntner Lieder Marsch.”,”8. Semper Fidelis Marsch.”, ”9. Gebirgs kinder Walzer”, “10. König Albrecht Marsch”. In the central frame: “A. Ruth & Sohn, Orgelfabrik, Waldkirch” and numbered list of tunes of exchangeable barrel in German: “1. Herreinspaziert. Walzer.”, “2. Alte Kameraden. Marsch.”, “3. Leichtes Blut. Galopp.”, “4. Tiroler Lieder.”, “5. Das Leben ein Traum. Walzer.”, “6.7 Bürgerweisen. Walzer.”, “7.8 Zum Städtele hinaus. Gal"


Chamber barrel organ in wooden case on pedestal with ornately shaped feet, with brass onlays, ornament in marquetry technique on the pedestal and on lateral sides, with profiled cornice. One horizontal window and two vertical ones in baguette black with golden paint frames, covered with yellow brocatelle, are on the front panel. Thirteen piccolo pipes of golden colour with black cover plugs are in the horizontal window. Panel, framed with carved ornament in the form of a lyre, fancy animals, flowers and leaves of golden, pink and green colours against black background, is below. Framed "windows", covered with yellow brocatelle, two metal folding handles for carrying in the Baroque style are on the case lateral sides. Removable pinned barrel lid with an aperture for an axis, three brass handles, and seven metal sliders’ handles are on the right side. A crank in the form of an anchor, which raises and lowers the key frame in the working position, is on the left side. Barrel knife and bolt mechanism is below. The rear side is stepped, upper and lower parts are covered with removable panels with metal handles, a set of flue and trumpet wooden pipes is visible behind the top panel, the item’s number "850" and red stamp print are on the bass pipe.

Access to the receiver and working bellows is behind the bottom panel. The lower part is closed on top by a lid with a key lock and two hooks. Three wooden frames with laminated forms are on the lid inner surface: blanks with handwritten lists of tunes are in two of them, red colour stamp print is on the central one. Pinned barrel with nine tunes and a key frame with forty-nine keys according to the number of basic tones are under the lid. With the key frame raised, the barrel can be set in one of nine positions according to the selected melody. Metal flywheel with black handle is behind on the right side. When the flywheel rotates, the pinned barrel is activated, the working bellows are pressurize air in the wind chest with valves that distribute compressed air between the wind pipes.

Barrel pins and bridges raise the keys that open the valves of the respective pipes; air from the wind chest enters the pipes and makes them sound.

Music media: pinned barrel.

