Barrel Organs

Portable organ (barrel organ)

    Portable organ (barrel organ)

    Russian Empire, Odessa


    I.Nechada organs and orchestrions factory

    Wood, metal, steel, leather, fabric; casting, woodwork, lathing, painting, colouring

    57 x 51.5 x 36 cm

    On the case front side: “НЕЧАДА Балковская № 191 ОДЕССА”. On the keyframe, on the crank and barrel lid inner side: “1596”, on the barrel flat end: "1609"; on the bottles: "КА", "ЕТ", "КА", "ХТ", on the cart inner side: "2006 б"


    Barrel organ in rectangular wooden veneered case, on the pedestal with corner feet, reinforced with ornately shaped onlays. All façade sides are decorated with the images of cherubs with musical instruments, genre scenes in the composed frames, floral ornament in the marquetry technique and coloured glass onlays. The facade with metal corners on the side ribs is closed with a removable panel with ornamentation and four windows in the frame of beads, in vertical windows - picturesque images of slender dancers with ribbons on green background, in the horizontal bottom one - birds surrounded with flowers on green background, above the insert with floral patterns. The facade with metal corners on the side ribs is covered with a removable ornamented panel and four windows in the frames of beads. The painted images of slender dancers with ribbons over green background are in the vertical windows. The birds surrounded by flowers over green background are in n the horizontal bottom window. The insert with floral patters is above. Fourteen metal piccolo pipes with black plugs on green background with daisies, blue ribbon, black braid with ornaments and pendants made of multicoloured glass are in the upper window. The inscription "НЕЧАДА Балковская No 191 ОДЕССА” between two metal plates with cabochons is below.
    Staples and a carrying strap encircled with coloured ribbons, images of wrestlers in the marquetry technique are on the lateral sides. The pinned barrel lid with an aperture for the axis and six tips of register sliders with ribbons of different colours are on the right side. A crank in the form of an anchor that lowers the keyframe in the operating position is on the left side. Knife and bolt mechanism is beneath. Two lids with hook locks, featuring candles, four wine bottles beneath the grapevine in a triple composite frame are on the top panel. A sticker with a handwritten list of tunes in Georgian is on the back lid inner side. A set of flue wooden pipes is under the front lid. Pinned barrel for eight tunes and a keyframe with the number "1596", notes and twenty-six, according to the number of basic tunes, reading keys, are under the back lid.
    With the keyframe raised, the pinned barrel can be set in one of eight positions according to the selected melody. An image of a girl with lambs that is framed by floral ornament and a metal crank with a wooden handle are on the rear side. As the crank is moved, the worm gear rotates the barrel; the crank gear drives the bellows that inject air into the wind chest with the valves. The pins and brackets on the pinned barrel raise the keys that open the valves of the respective pipes; the air from the wind chest enters the pipes and makes them sound. The organ is mounted on a handicraft cart from metal bracket with handles for carrying and moving, on mobile supports, covered with panels with stickers on them: a landscape with a deer on the front side and still life - on the lateral sides. The barrel organ is covered with the fringed carpet. Music media: pinned barrel.

