Russian Glass Art and Ceramic Art

Tumbler with detachable lid and glass holder

    Tumbler with detachable lid and glass holder

    Russian Empire, Saint-Petersburg

    First third of the 19th century

    Imperial Glass Factory

    Transparent colourless crystal, bronze; blowing, grinding, brilliant cut (facet cut), gold painting, casting, chasing, knurling, gilding

    18.5 x 16.0 x 12.0 cm


    Circular-shaped transparent colourless crystal tumbler with detachable bronze lid with grip in bronze glass holder. The tumbler body is decorated with rectangular segments filled with “Russian stones” and multi-pointed star on smooth background, framed with “simple diamonds” from above and below, in semicircles emphasized with golden stripe, and complemented by painted five-petal flowers. The lower part of the tumbler is adorned with the frieze of arches with alternating "Russian stone" and multi-pointed star on smooth background, separated by zigzag, decorated with the painted flower bouquets. The prominent ring-shaped lips’ edge with smooth bevel is emphasized by gold facet.
    The Empire style gilded bronze glass holder consists of round base with ornately shaped edge on three cast spherical feet, spanning ring with medallion and handles in the form of curved snake. The welt bent edge is adorned with the moulding with the image of acanthus leaves in vaulted frames. Spanning ring is decorated with the belt of stylized palmettas. The medallion is made in the form of ornately shaped shield with the embossed image of a jester playing a mandolin.
    The Empire style rounded gilded bronze lid is decorated with the belt of stylized palmettas along the edge, with embossed image of leaves and fruit, emphasizing the dominating cone-shaped grip.

