Western European Glass Art and Ceramic Art

Wine glasses with ornamental painting

    Wine glasses with ornamental painting

    Western Europe

    Second half of the 19th century

    Transparent colorless glass; blowing, polychrome enamels painting, gold painting

    Height 11.3 cm, diameter 6.4 cm


    Wine glasses of colourless transparent crystal with bell-shaped cups on high smooth stem and round base. The cup body bottom part, stem and base are decorated with the painted foliage-geometric ornament in the form of "scales", semicircles and foliage garland framed by lozenges. The cups upper part is ornamented with the painted image of four bows. Th lips and bases edges are emphasized with mother of pearl-shaped belt. The painting is realized with polychrome enamel on gold background.


    Инв.15825/ДПИ и 15826/ДПИ