
The announcement of the exhibition "The New Year Wonders" on the website Rewizor.ru

The exposition of antique dolls and mechanisms from David Iakobachvili’s Museum Collection will be opened in the All Russian Decorative Art Museum on December 10, 2016.

According to the museum's press service more than thirty items, including amusing automatas, organettes, gramophones and various mechanical musical objects will be exhibited.

Creation of musical mechanical instruments and dolls was a very popular direction of arts and crafts in the past centuries. It allowed bringing together the exact sciences and creative imagination. The technical brilliance of thought, entertaining theatrical performance, refinement of plastic and artistic solutions merged in this "frivolous" union.

More details: http://www.rewizor.ru/news/vystavka-novogodnie-surprizy-otkryvaetsya-10-dekabrya-v-muzee-dekorativno...