Photo gallery
May - 2016: Masterpieces by Fabergé in the museum Collection exposition. Commemorating the 170th birth anniversary
Saltcellar, Fabergé firm , 1899-1908
Decanter. Fabergé firm, late 1890
Stoop. Fabergé firm, 1890-1908
Vase. Fabergé firm, 1896
Saltcellar, Fabergé firm , 1899-1908
Decanter. Fabergé firm, 1899-1908
Vase. Fabergé firm, 1895
Decanter. Fabergé firm, late 1890
Sugar bowl and sugar tongs (set in a box). Fabergé firm, 1892
Vase. Fabergé firm, 1895
Stoop. Fabergé firm, 1890-1908
Decanter. Fabergé firm, 1899-1908