Photo gallery
Jasper – one of July stones mascots
Lion carved from Kalahari jasper. Christoph Schmitt. Germany, Idar-Oberstein, the 29th century
Toad carved from Madagascar "spherical" jasper. Manfred Wild. Germany-Idar-Oberstein, the 20th century
Rooster carved from jasper Mookaite. Luis Alberto Quispe Aparicio, circa 2014
Peasant woman in traditional dress and red jasper scarf, the 20th century
Toad carved from Madagascar "spherical" jasper. Manfred Wild. Germany-Idar-Oberstein, the 20th century
Duck carved from Indian jasper. Manfred Wild. Germany, Idar-Oberstein, the 20th century
Boyar in yellow jasper coat. Konstantin Wild. Germany-Idar-Oberstein, the 20th century
Lion carved from Kalahari jasper. Christoph Schmitt. Germany, Idar-Oberstein, the 29th century
Rooster carved from multi-colored jasper. Georg Wild. Germany, Idar-Oberstein, the 20th century
Peasant woman in traditional dress and red jasper scarf, the 20th century
Boyar in yellow jasper coat. Konstantin Wild. Germany-Idar-Oberstein, the 20th century
Partridges carved from ivory jasper. Germany, Idar-Oberstein, the 20th century