Photo gallery
Thematic photo album for the Horse Day
Prizewinner Pavlin. Ernest Gilyarov. USSR, 1975
Trotting horse. Peter Clodt von Jürgensburg. Russian Empier, St. Petersburg, model of 1866-1867
Prizewinner Pavlin. Ernest Gilyarov. USSR, 1975
Sarrah horse ('Dutch Step'). Joseph Youschkov. Russian Empire, St. Petersburg, 1845
Trotting horse. Peter Clodt von Jürgensburg. Russian Empier, St. Petersburg, model of 1866-1867
Horse. Vincci. Great Britain, London. Late 20th century
Sarrah horse ('Dutch Step'). Joseph Youschkov. Russian Empire, St. Petersburg, 1845
Horse. Paolo Troubetzkoy. Early 20th century
Running horse. The 20th century
Horse. Joseph Marshak gold and silverware factory. Russian Empire, 1890
Horse. Vincci. Great Britain, London. Late 20th century
Horse. Mario Buccellati. Italy, Milan. The 20th century