Photo gallery
July: " Bewitched by flowers' beauty..."
August - 2016: The Generous Time
February-2016. The Gala evening in the Italian Embassy devoted to David Iakobachvili awarding with the honorable order
Female images in the works of Russian sculptors. Late 19th – early 20th centuries
February 2016. The Military theme in the works of the Russian sculptors of the second half of the 19th - early 20th centuries
April - 2016. The Easter Souvenirs
September 2015. Photo report from the opening ceremony of the Autumn Vernissage in RUSNANO
June -2015. The Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev meeting with Russian private museums’ owners during the EXPO INTERMUSEUM - 2015
January 2016. The organs assembling in the Museum
May - 2016: Masterpieces by Fabergé in the museum Collection exposition. Commemorating the 170th birth anniversary
October 2015. New arrival - rare doll Zulma - snake charmer by Gaston Descamps, 1907
February 2016. The organ assmbling by the Belgian company J. Verbeeck