
Exhibit in detail. A cigarette case with the composition “Tamara and Demon. The Kiss”

Today, on the day of the 210th birth anniversary of Mikhail Lermontov birth, our traditional column ‘Exhibit in Details’ features another item from the museum exposition – a cigarette case with an aperture for a wick, with the composition ‘Tamara and Demon. The Kiss’ (based on a drawing by M. Zichy for the poem by Lermontov “The Demon”), presented in the collection section “Snuff boxes and cigarette cases”.
Silver rectangular gilded inside cigarette case, with sloping sides and corners, with the hinged lid and snap shutter. The cigarette case lid is decorated with the embossed composition featuring the kiss of Tamara and Demon created after the drawing of Mihaly Zichy illustrating the poem "Demon" by Mikhail Lermontov. The engraved inscription “Petersbourg” is on the inner side. Silver button is in the snap shutter. Two compartments are inside the cigarette case — the large one is for cigars, the small one is for matches. Special plate for striking matches (tinderbox) is on the front side. An aperture for a wick is on the cigarette case rear side.
The cigarette case was made in Moscow in 1884.

Lermontov had been writing the poem “Demon’ since he was 14 years old, and for ten years the poet edited it. It is possible that the appearance of this plot was influenced by the poem “Angel” by Pushkin. The poem is written in beautiful, emotional language. The action of the poem takes place in the Caucasus, the description of the nature of which enhances the beauty and emotional perception of this work.

The basic idea is that there are opposing forces living in every human being – both Angel and Demon. For each person, it is important which power to favour in life. According to the plot of the poem, Demon saw a girl who could restore his feeling of love. He had once experienced it constantly while appearing as a cherub. Up until his encounter with Tamara, the evil spirit had only inspired terror, but now he was beginning to have doubts. Tamara feels a strong attraction to this obscure spirit who comes to her at night. She assumes that he cannot be trusted. The girl hides from him in a monastery. The spirit manages to charm her, and Tamara trustingly succumbs to his demonic charm. The moment of their first fusion in a kiss leads to a tragic denouement.

Lermontov briefly recounts the background of the Demon's appearance - he is a fallen Angel who used to dwell in heaven. Having rebelled against God, he is doomed to loneliness and wandering. The Demon is represented by the ‘spirit of exile’, his image is sad.

“The Demon” was not published in full in its entirety during M.Y. Lermontov's lifetime for censorship reasons. In 1842, the magazine “Patriotic Notes” printed excerpts from the poem. The first full edition of the work happened place in Germany in 1856, in Russia – in 1860. This event was the impetus for Mihaly Zichy (1827-1906) to create sketches.

The interest of Zichy in Lermontov's art work dates back to the 1860s, and the work that came closest to the artist's perception was “The Demon”. Without any order, based on his own creative interests, in these years Zichy created a series of drawings for the poem, consisting of 20 sheets.

Cigarette case with the composition “Tamara and Demon. The Kiss" (according to Mihaly Zichy drawing to Mikhail Lermontov’s poem “Demon”), Russian Empire, Moscow. 1884
Drawing of Mihaly Zichy  to the poem “Demon” by M.Y. Lermontov

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