Updates in the section “Authors” pertaining to ‘The Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder’ exhibition

Museum Collection hosts the exhibition "Beauty in the Eye of the Beholder", combining unique sculptures and postcards stored in the museum. The new thematic exposition is dedicated to the creative dialogue between French and Russian sculptors of the second half of the 19th – early 20th centuries.
The centrepieces of the exhibition, “Beauty in the Eye of the Beholder”, are the works by Mathurin Moreau (1822-1912), Antonin Mercieu (1845-1916), Emmanuel Villanis (1858-1914) and Godefroid Devreese (1861-1941). Each of these artisans paid the main attention in his work to the search for the canons of modern beauty, and the works of those sculptors represent historical evidence of that time, contributing to the understanding of historical and cultural processes in France and Russia.
The "Authors" section of the museum website features biographies of these sculptors, talented Parisian academicians of the second half of the 19th and early 20th centuries.
Entertaining creative biographies of these unfairly neglected masters allow us to examine the socio-economic aspects of Franco-Russian artistic contacts from a new angle: differences in the programmes and structure of studies at academies, details of the organisation of bursary trips, and the peculiarities of collecting and patronage.
You can sign up for a tour through the exhibition "Beauty in the Eye of the Beholder" on the museum “Collection” website in the "ContactInformation" section.