Audio story "History and traditions of the pancake week"
The column "Audio Stories" features a new story about Maslenitsa (Pancake week) – a traditional East Slavic holiday, which reflects centuries-old traditions, carefully preserved and passed down from generation to generation. It is a week-long holiday-ritual with round dances and choral singing, entertainments and outdoor games, associated with seeing-off winter and welcoming spring.
The holiday appeared in Russia long before the Christianity was adopted. It has its roots in paganism and is associated with the day of the vernal equinox. Shrovetide, customary to European nations, could be timed to the New Year, which was celebrated in ancient times not in winter, but in spring – on the day of the vernal equinox (March 21). So it was in Europe, and so it was in Russia. The tradition of seeing off winter cold is conventional not only for Slavic peoples.
For example, in Great Britain and Ireland, the late winter and early spring, people celebrate Fat Tuesday, the essence of which is a lavish feast. In the French-speaking countries, it is the time of the grand carnival "Mardi gras" (Fat Tuesday). Its participants dress up in costumes and treat themselves to wine and crepes – the twin brothers of Russian pancakes.
Although long ago most of the rituals have lost their sacramental meaning and became entertaining, Pancake Day still symbolizes the boundary of winter and spring and a hearty cheerful period of life during Shrovetide week.
Оn the cover: Bucket-shaped caviar serving bowl (butter serving bowl?) with detachable lid. Imperial Glass factory. Russian Empire, Saint Petersburg. Mid-19th century