
Works of art glass reformer Emile Galle on the Day of Creativity and Inspiration

Today is World Creativity and Inspiration Day. These concepts are closely intertwined. Creativity is not just about drawing, singing, modelling, acting and the like.

Creativity and Inspiration Day is a holiday that motivates to realise the most daring ideas and plans. This holiday is not widely celebrated – as a rule, only those people who are in one way or another connected with creativity and the world of art celebrate the Day of Creativity and Inspiration. The aim of this holiday is to demonstrate that any creativity is not a mere hobby, it always requires a lot of effort, search for inspiration and sleepless nights.

Creative people know how easy and joyful it is to create something when you are on the inspiration roll and how hard it is to sit at the table, stand or pace around for hours waiting for a muse or serendipity to come. Inspiration is a special human condition characterized by high productivity, howling enthusiasm and concentration of energy. This state is a typical feature and integral part of creative activity. Inspiration is closely connected with a flash of insight, sudden perception of the path to solve a problem. There is a recipe for inspiration from Pyotr Tchaikovsky, “I sit down at the piano and start playing something, at least tapping the keys. I do it bene placito, until inspiration strikes".

From the point of view of psychology, inspiration is a special state of mind in which a person experiences a burst of energy, emotional uplift and inexhaustible enthusiasm. Studies have shown that the impact of nature can stimulate creative activity, have a great influence on the creative potential of a person and on his emotional state. Even ancient thinkers admired the beauty of natural landscapes, considering them to be the peak of perfection. The immensity and incomprehensibility of blue skies, ocean depths and steppe valleys create an illusion of inexhaustibility and boundlessness that fills a person with strength, energy and inspiration.

Demonstrative example of creativity inspired by nature, are the works of the French reformer of art glass, representative of the art Nouveau style, the designer-innovator, Emile Galle. Virtually all his works feature modified motifs of nature: silver-winged dragonflies above morning dew mist, refined orchids, royal roses, exquisite purple-pink lilies, whimsical insects. The images of flowers are stylized, but naturalism is also evident in the painting, which is emphasized by their serpentinous stems and leaves. Emile Galle was fascinated by Lorraine plants and botany and reflected it in his art works. The beauty and quality of execution evoke reverence and admiration at the talent of the renowned artisan.

Galle meticulously reproduced all peculiarity of the plants "anatomy", hence at the same time the "natural pattern" of flowers and plants was transformed so that Oscar Wilde once remarked, "Flowers should not be put in the vases of Galle, since they will always look faded in them”.

One can endlessly admire the vases created by Emile Galle. His art is a perfect illustration of the nature huge impact on an artistic person imagination. Despite the fact that every day our world is becoming more and more adaptable to streamline production, it is difficult for a contemporary artist to find something more magnificent and relevant in search for new creative ideas than pristine nature.

From a flower petal smoothly descending on the ground, to a powerful flap of a bird wings, - the manifestations of pristine wilderness will never cease to fascinate and give inspiration to those who are able to notice and highlight them, turning them into outstanding works of art.

A video clip dedicated to the work of the Emile Galle is posted in the museum Video Archive.

In 2021, to mark the 175th anniversary of the prominent artist Emile Galle, museum Collection organized the the chamber exhibition “The Ballad about Glass”, dedicated to one of the artisan’s iconic masterpieces – the Gothic-style liquor service. A video guide through the exhibition is posted in the column “Video Excursions Sequence”.

No less interesting are art ceramic works by Galle – we invite you to dive into the world of Emile Galle ceramics. You can be acquainted with his ceramic art works that are presented in the museum Collection video series "Ceramics of Emile Galle". All of them are perfect, beautiful and unmatched. The museum website features three parts of this video series ("Landscapes""Animalistics" and "Heraldry").

An album for colouring with the images of vases by the prominent French artisan, the reformer of artistic glassmaking and art theorist Emil Galle, is in the section "Printed materials”. This album might serve as an auxiliary facility to study the ingenious "floral style" of glass items decoration, created by the greatest glassblower of the art Nouveau era and later called in his honor "Galle style" or "Halle glass".

The museum Collection section "Western-European Glass Art and Ceramic Art" features items created by the talented artist-innovator Emile Galle.

The essence of the works by Emile Galle is the ability to convey the philosophy of life, the ability to see the beauty in a drop of dew and the flapping of a moth's wing.

Every person is talented in his own way. And it does not matter whether you are an artist, writer, musician, film director, blogger, photographer or your life is not connected with art – each of you is able to give the world something new and unique.
Create, perform and enjoy every moment of life.

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