
Jelly Roll Morton - one of the early jazz styles founders

Tj mark the birthday of one of the prominent jazz composers and legendary performers of the 20th century, the talented improviser and jazz pioneer Jelly Roll Morton, the museum Phonothèque presents a selection of music compiled from jazz compositions that he recorded on vinyl records in his lifetime.

Morton "Jelly Roll"  (birth name Morton Ferdinand) - American jazz pianist, singer, orchestra leader, one of the most significant representatives of traditional jazz. He was born in September, 1885 (1890?) in New Orleans, Louisiana. In the early 1890s, he began playing the guitar and piano. Since 1902, played as a pianist in the entertainment establishments of Storyville, New Orleans. Since 1904, he toured the US, and in 1917-1922, he performed in California and Canada. In 1922, he recorded for the first time his playing on paper music rolls for player pianos and in 1923 -- on records (in Chicago). In 1926-1929, he was the ensemble RED HOT PEPPERS leader. J. Mitchell, "Kid" Orie, brothers Johnny Dodds and "Baby" Dodds, O. Simeon, "Barney" Bigard, "Bud" Scott, "Stump" Evans, J. St. Cyr and other famous classical musicians played in this ensemble at various times. Morton also performed with trios and quartets. In 1938-1939, he led the NEW ORLEANS JAZZMEN Revival Orchestra, whose members were S. De Paree, C. Jones, A. Nichols, S. Bechet, W. Braude, "Zatty" Singleton and F. Robinson. On numerous occasions, he organized solo concerts. Morton style of play combined elements of ragtime, blues, Spanish and Creole folk music along with peculiar individual features. As a composer and arranger, Morton was an important figure in the development of early jazz. Undoubtedly, he had a major influence on the development of early jazz, he predetermine the development of the Chicago style and swing style music as well. Jelly Roll Morton fully deserves recognition among the front-rank jazz pianists.
"Black Bottom Stomp" is one of his best-known recordings.