
Musical selection for the 140th birth anniversary of Leopold Stokowski - the conductor’s stand star

The mighty figure of Leopold Stokowski is one-of-a kind – singular and multifaceted. For more than half a century it shone on the world artistic horizon, delighting tens and hundreds of thousands of music amateurs, causing fierce disputes, puzzling with unexpected riddles, striking with tireless energy and eternal youth. Stokowski a bright, unlike any other conductor, a fiery popularizer of art among general public, the creator of orchestras, youth educator, a publicist, a movie hero, has become almost a legendary personality. Compatriots often called him the "star" of the conductor's stand. Music permeated his whole life, making up its meaning and content.

Incredible determination stimulated Stokowski to intensive concert activity. Meanwhile, Stokowski experimented a lot. For example, he abolished the position of accompanist for a while, entrusting it to all the orchestra members in turn. One way or another, he managed to run a tight ship and get the most out of the musicians, their strict fulfillment of all his requirements and the complete fusion of the performers with the conductor in the process of making music. During concerts, Stokowski sometimes resorted to lighting effects and the use of various additional instruments. Most important -  he managed to achieve tremendous impressive power in interpreting a wide variety of works.

Stokowski addressed all areas of symphonic music, from its origins to the present day. The conductor, as a rule, included in his concert programs multifarious music pieces – different directions and styles, works that were widely popular and little known, those that were undeservedly forgotten or never performed. He included many novelties in his repertoire. Stokowski manifested himself as a convinced propagandist of new music, introduced listeners to many works by contemporary authors.

By the end of his life, despite his declining years, Stokowski did not reduce his creative activity. He actively toured through the United States and Europe, constantly looking for and performing new compositions.
Musical selection  for the 140th birth anniversary of the 20th century greatest conductor Leopold Stokowski is presented in the museum Sound Library.
