
Russian pop-singer Nina Dulkevich under the heading "Desuete Names"

Today, on the day of the 130th birth anniversary of Nina Dulkevich, we posted in the museum Sound Library a selection of songs and romances performed by the singer.

Nina Viktorovna Dulkevich was a Russian and Soviet pop singer, performer of romances, gypsy and Russian folk songs. The singer's repertoire consisted of old romances and Russian folk songs, among which: "Oh, my good woman", "Here the postal troika rushes", Oh, the boy, the rascal", "The autumn wind moans pitifully"and many others. Nina Dulkevich also included purely gypsy songs in her repertoire: folk songs "Sosa Grisha", "Shel me versta" and some others. Behind her back, fans called Dulkevich a "white gypsy", for stained notes in her voice, and purely gypsy intonations. Nina Viktorovna worked, as they say, “for wear and tear”. She used to rehearse for eight hours without a break, and performed up to 70 romances and songs at encore concerts. In this, only the "incomparable" Anastasia Vyaltseva could compete with her. Usually, at her concerts, Nina Dulkevich alternated sad songs and romances with cheerful swagger motives. The singer had a wonderful deep mezzo-soprano, great musicality and a subtle understanding of truly gipsy encampment melodies, in nomadic wagons...