Composer Venedikt Pushkov under the heading "Desuete Names"
Venedikt Pushkov - composer, music teacher, the RSFR honored art worker, was born on October 31, 1896.
Among the works by Venedikt Pushkov - the opera "The Thunderstorm" by A.N. Ostrovsky, concert for violin and orchestra, a piano trio, romances and songs based on the texts of classics and Soviet poets. Pushkov is the author of the vocal-symphonic cycle "In the West", the symphonic suite "Lermontov", the "Masquerade" suite for a symphony orchestra. The composer made substantial contribution to film music development. He is the author of music for more than 40 films, including such famous ones as “The Seven Brave” (1936), “The Golden Taiga” (1937), “The Teacher” (1939), “The Fourth Periscope” (1939), “The Defeat of Yudenich" (1940), “Big Family" (1954), "My Dear Man" (1958).
For the 125th birth anniversary of the composer, we have prepared musical compilation of his popular songs that were digitized from gramophone records stored in the collection section "Music Records".