Today is the Biographers Day - an occasion to gain a glimpse in the section "Authors"
There are unique professions for which it is not enough to have specialized education and sizable life experience. They require daily painstaking work and sometimes become the main passion of life. Such are biographers, whose professional holiday is celebrated annually on May 16.
Why is the holiday celebrated today? Biographers Day is dedicated to a symbolic event. On May 16, 1763, Samuel Johnson, the creator of the English Language Definition Dictionary, met with his future biographer, writer and memoirist James Boswell. The result of this meeting and the relations established between them was publication in 1791 of the famous work “The Life of Samuel Johnson” that still has great appeal to the reading public.
Subsequently, it was decided to celebrate the Biographers Day on this day.
Thanks to the scrupulous and tireless work of biographers, even the most seemingly insignificant information about the life of the glorious people of this or other era, about customs and mores of that time has survived to our days.
Today of all days is worth re-reading the biography of a famous composer or singer, or get acquainted with the biography of a talented jeweler or inventor-innovator in our website section “Authors”.
Over and above, today might happen to be exactly the time when you need to remember the details of your own life and start compiling the autobiography.