Exhibits from the museum Collection will be presented at the exhibition “Abrau-Durso - 150 years on the bright side of history"

Several art objects from the museum Collection repository will be presented at the thematic exhibition dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the Russian wine house Abrau-Durso, which will be held at the All-Russian Museum of Decorative Arts.
The opening of the exhibition was scheduled for March 28, 2020 and postponed in connection with the measures related to the protection against a pandemia. The exhibition will open immediately after the restrictions are completed. Detailed information about the exhibition, the exact date of its opening and the dates of its holding will be posted on the official website of the All-Russian Museum of Decorative Arts and on the museum Collection website.
A few words about the history of Abrau-Durso:
Emperor Alexander II founded Abrau-Durso estate 150 years ago. In 1870, a perfect terroir for producing sparkling and still wines opened on the sandstone slopes of Lake Abrau, where the first vine shoots of classic European varieties started growing. The Russian sparkling wine traditions emerged there as a result of cooperation between Russian and French experts.
In the twentieth century, with the development of production, the wine house products became world famous, began to be exported, participated in various exhibitions and wine-tasting competitions, won 92 gold, 95 silver, 17 bronze medals and 9 Grand Prix.
Today CJSC Abrau-Durso is the leading Russian producer of sparkling wines. Champagne is made there both in the classic way - in bottles, and by the method of hampanization - in closed reservoirs (acratophores).