
Today we mark the 100th birth of Georg Ots – Soviet variety and opera singer

Georg Ots performed as a chamber and as a variety singer. He performed arias from operas, songs of Soviet and Western composers. During his life, he sang more than five hundred songs. He toured in many cities of the USSR and abroad (Finland, Sweden, East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, Egypt, Hungary, Romania).

Georg Ots possessed a unique voice - a lyrical baritone of large range, with shiny powerful top notes and beautiful soft tone. He conquered the audience with a calm, very noble academic manner of singing, a great sense of dignity, impeccable taste, and a special manner of pronunciation. He was very fluent in Russian; hence, there was a slight accent in his speech that gave his singing a special charm. For all his equanimity, he was very captivating, had a unique sense of humor.

The singer performed in different genres with great success. In addition to baritone opera parts, he performed brilliantly operetta parts. Particularly popular was the character of Mister X in the film “Mister X” (USSR, 1958), a film adaptation of the operetta “The Circus Princess” by Imre Kálmán.

On the stage, Georg Ots sang mainly heroic songs dedicated to the war, by the composers E.S. Kolmanovsky, A.P. Dolukhanyan. One of his most famous songs was “Do the Russians Want War?” (E.S. Kolmanovsky and E. Evtushenko). Elegantly and confidentially, the singer sang lyric songs by E.S. Kolmanovsky, M.I. Blanter, B.A. Mokrousov, V.P. Solovyov-Sedoi and other composers. Apart from it, he had an extensive chamber repertoire. Ots sang in 20 languages. In addition to the Russian, Estonian, German, Finnish, French and Italian languages, which he was fluent in, he sang in Ukrainian, Lithuanian, Latvian, Tatar, Armenian, Moldavian, Serbo-Croatian, Albanian, Hungarian, Romanian, Spanish, English, Mongolian and other languages.

For the anniversary of the outstanding singer, we have prepared a musical selection of the popular songs that he performed. Digitized from the records from the museum Collection musical library on Audio-Technica vinyl player.

The biography of George Ots is in the section "Authors".