Musical compilation for the 100th birth jubilee of Soviet composer Kirill Molchanov
Today, the name of Kirill Molchanov is familiar not only to professional musicians, but to the connoisseurs of music as well. Many people are familiar with the lines closely related to melodies: "Here the soldiers go through the scorched steppe ..."; "So many idle guys, and I love the married one..."; Wait for me, and I'll come back! Wait with all you've got!...”
Those lines and songs were remembered, undoubtedly, thanks to the melodies of Kirill Molchanov - a composer who worked in almost all musical genres. He wrote operas and musicals, works for choir and symphony orchestra, for piano and for the voice. Molchanov wrote dozens of songs that became famous, music for films, he was the author of the musical design of a number of performances of Moscow theaters. He headed the Bolshoi Theater in 1973-1973-1975.
For the composer's 100th birth jubilee we prepared music compilation of his works that were recorded from musical media stored in the Museum COLLECTION.
The biography of K. Molchanov is in the section AUTHORS.