July 17 is the birthday of the famous American singer of the 1920’s - Margaret McKee
July 17 is the birthday of the famous American singer of the 1920’s - Margaret McKee.
To commemorate this event we prepared musical compilation of the unique recordings of the singer of the 1920’s - Margaret McKee (1898-1960). She knew how to whistle, imitating the birds singing (artistic whistling), She was called ‘Queen of Whistlers’. Everybody admired her musical talent to imitate birds’ singing. Margaret McKee began to learn singing when she was a child. She walked a lot in the forest and listened to the birds. Her main mentor was an American singer and teacher - Agnes Woodward. Margaret's vocal folds had a unique shape and were very flexible, which contributed to beautiful and sonorous singing.
Musical selection of songs performed by Margaret McKee and recorded from music records stored in the Museum COLLECTION fund is in the section SOUND LIBRARY.