Inventor Thomas Alva Edison was born on February 11, 1847

A man whose inventions literally changed the world was born on February 11, 1847 in a small American town Mylan, Ohio. Thomas Edison was a talented engineer, a born mechanic and successful entrepreneur, an author and owner of several thousands of patents for essential technical inventions of the late XIX - early XX century.
Edison is one of the greatest inventors in the history of humankind. He created phonograph - the first device for recording and reproduction of sound, developed the first telephone transmitter, improved telegraph system, implemented production of the modern form of an electric lamp (with a screw cap and the cartridge), formulated the principle of movie image demonstration. He was the founder of a number of various production companies. He manufectured vehicles, batteries, electric bulbs, phonographs, gramophones and talking dolls.
Various models of Edison phonographs and gramophones are presented in the Museum “Collection”. They are: the first phonograph, that is functioning on the base of covered with tin foil cylinders (1880); the first phonograph with spring motor (1899); GEM phonographs (1900); Bell Business phonographs (1900), Business (1906), Bell, Home, Triumph, Suitcase, Standard, Fireside, Amberola, Concert, Diamond Discs gramophones; Bell Portable; as well as voice recorders, erasing machines, Edison system cylinders and gramophone records.
Interesting facts from Thomas Edison biography are published in the section “Authors”.