
Photo report from the opening of the exhibition devoted to Paolo Troubetzkoy anniversary

Аdapted from: Museum Collection

The photo report from the opening of the exhibition devoted to Paolo Troubetzkoy anniversary is allocated in our Photo gallery. The large-scale exposition, which was opened yesterday in Mikhailovsky Castle, had united 37 sculptural works and 8 drawings from the Russian Museum collection, the Tretyakov gallery, the Hermitage, the St. Petersburg museum of theatrical and musical art and from two private collections.

David Iakobachvili provided two exhibits from the Museum Collection. They are sculpture "V. S. Sofronov's Portrait" and figurine "Danseuse (Mlle. Svirsky) ".

The sculptor created the bronze figurine «V. S. Sofronov’s Portrait» in 1907. David Iakobachvili acquired this work as The Portrait of an Unknown. Only thanks to Elena Veniaminovna Karpova, the specialist from the Russian Museum, this work had been distinguished as Vasiliy Sofronovich Sofronov's portrait - the graduate from Moscow conservatory, the pianist, the teacher of Synod school and a court chapel, the regent of Sheremetev choir, the composer and the author of sacred music.

The figurine “Danseuse (Mlle. Svirsky)" was created in 1911. It represents the famous dancer - Tamara Nikolaevna Svirsky (1883-1972). She was Isadora Duncan apprentice, the foster daughter of V. V. Podvysotsky, Ukrainian pathologist and microbiologist, the founder of Kiev School of Pathology. Tamara Svirsky graduated from the Parisian conservatory with a gold medal. She danced in Isadora Duncan manner (“barefooted”) and had great success.

The history of the creation of this work is described in the St. Petersburg magazine "Review of the Theatres", issued on January 25, 1910. "The young dancer made her first appearances in the international concerts for the high society. She was engaged in studying plastic dances independently. The famous sculptor prince Paolo Trubetskoy was fascinated by her expressive gracefulness and asked her to be a model for a sculpture.

There is another cast of Troubetzkoy's Mlle. de Svirsky in The Detroit Institute of Arts, dated 1915, as well as in the Museo Sorolla, Madrid.

Reference to Photo Album: